Spotlighting SIWE, ETHDenver 2024, and more | HackMD Blog
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March 20, 2024

Spotlighting SIWE, ETHDenver 2024, and more

Rachel Golden
Rachel Golden
Telling HackMD's story, building awareness, and meaningfully connecting with communities.

We weren’t sure what to expect this past month, but between industry events, product announcements, and new ATHs for both BTC and ETH it sure put on a show.

🌟 Visionary voices

📄 Product updates

with Ethereum is live on HackMD

Last month, we were delighted to announce the integration of Sign-In with Ethereum (SIWE) on HackMD. This enables you to sign in using your Ethereum account and ENS (Ethereum Name Service) profile.

We’re passionate about building a product that will seamlessly integrate into your everyday life; enhancing and streamlining your workflow without compromising on security and data ownership. And this new feature is the latest step in our commitment to that.

So how does it work?

To enable SIWE, simply add your wallet to your HackMD account settings. Once enabled, you can then choose ‘Sign in with Wallet’ at the bottom of the sign-in page.


🖋️ From the blog

ETHDenver 2024

ETHDenver 2024 was one for the books. The excitement was palpable as the team geared up to join industry leaders on the ground. All with the goal of meeting the brilliant minds shaping the future of web3, tech, and decentralization.

And it didn’t disappoint.

The vibes were immaculate. Hot button topics included anything and everything ZK, Farcaster / Frames, airdrops, and DePIN. All while working to abstract away the tech. A noble pursuit.

What event should we attend next?


And that’s a wrap! As always, if you have a topic or community member you want us to highlight email or reach out to us on social. 👩‍💻