Fill Your Email to Be Invited :email: and Separation of Comment Permissions :lock_with_ink_pen: | HackMD Blog
April 29, 2019

Fill Your Email to Be Invited :email: and Separation of Comment Permissions :lock_with_ink_pen:

Fill your email address to be invited!

We are one step closer to launching the long-requested feature: sharing with specific users. To invite your collaborators, you need a way to invite them - nothing beats email address in doing that.

Go to to fill your email, so you can be invited by your collaborators when we launch the specific sharing.

Also, you could now sign-in with email address and password (and reset your password). Yeah, I know this sounds basic, but we want to be least intrusive to your privacy and just didn’t need it previously.

Separation of Comment Permissions

The permission to comment is now separated into its own permission - no longer tied to editing. This should allow more fine-grained permission control for your notes.

Submit an issue to tell us where to improve.